Superpod x Crossover x Rebirth
However you want to call it, Three podcast converged on a Wednesday night in Orange County.
“How should we do this?”
“How should we do this?”
Welcome to LAisOurHouse! The Unofficial Podcast of the LA Galaxy. Three life long friends and Galaxy fans discuss the Galaxy, MLS, U.S. Soccer, and other World Football Join us for a VERY Special Galaxy Super Podcast hosted by nine other than Josh Guessman featuring LAIOH and the RiotSquadCast! If you didn't watch it live on YouTube, take a listen here as 7 hosts talk about LA's 2016 and whats coming in 2017 Be sure to follow us on Twitter! @LAisOurHouse Instagram LA_is_Our_House Facebook and check out our website
Champaign Corks from The MLS GALAXY FINAL Celebrations!
Luis Baron in glee watching everyone get on my case.
ED RODRIGUEZ of the LA Riot Squadcast
David Orona on the microphone. Testify!